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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mosque in NYC debate

I am quickly coming to the realization that the United States of America has gone from the greatest nation on earth to a whining community of do-gooders afraid of doing the right thing for fear it might offend someone.

Our president urges Israel to cease building Jewish settlements in Jerusalem because it may offend Muslims. Then right here in America he refuses to speak out against the building of an Islamic "community center" two blocks from the site of the 9/11/2001 attacks on America (carried out by radical Muslims and celebrated by many Muslims around the world).

Many people seem to think building this "community center" is a "local issue" or a matter of religious freedom. I say this and many other actions in America are more about doing the right thing, than whether or not they are legal or within local building codes. Any municipality can let things happen because they're legally allowed. Any person can watch while a man stands in public and calls a woman names (freedom of speech anyone?). We get outraged when large companies make "obscene" profits or take their jobs overseas. We cry, "yes it is your right, but its not the right thing to do?"

I say the one thing that has always been a hallmark of America was that legal or not, we strive to do the right thing. We reach out to the downtrodden. We give of ourselves to help those in need, even extending that help to include risking our own lives for the freedom and liberty of those we may never know. We are Americans and this is what we do.

I ask those who support the building of an Islamic "community center" two blocks from "ground zero" to consider that this will foster ill will toward peaceful, law-abiding Muslims. That may sound like ignorance to some, but it is reality. Consider that at the same time this center is proposed, we have groups actively seeking to silence Christians who wish to pray in public or display their religious symbols. Don't believe me? Look at the activism to shut up any religious expression by Christians in public schools, at events and any other function that can be remotely considered government endorsement of a specific religion.

I have no beef with Muslims or any other religions, but history should be teaching us lessons we (as a society and/or individually) seem to ignore. Ask the Europeans how happy they are with their religious freedoms. I have heard of a certain mosque in Germany that was shut down because of the tourist attraction it became for muslims...and oh yeah, it was a mosque where the masterminds of the 9/11 attack are said to have met to coordinate the attack.

For the sake of continuing the great nation our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents built, stand up for doing the right thing!


  1. First of all, I think your first words need to be considered with regard to the 9/11 attacks. They were "radical". radicals do not speak for ALL muslims. Secondly, I would refer you to the comical yet logical argument made by John Stuart Last evening. The premise is: Do we, as Christians, ask Jews not to wear Yamikah's on Good Friday? Of Course not!! Another reference was made with regard to Catholic priests and playgrounds. The point is that we should not paint any person or group with the same brush. That is dangerous!!!
    We live in a society that is religiously plural. Part of that means that we need to learn how to work together. Jesus gave us the example by reaching out to the diaspora (those on the outer edges, basically, non-Jews). He also blessed gentiles.
    You make the statement "Ask Europeans how happy they are with their religious freedoms." Some countries passed laws banning Burkahs for women. I believe it is France. People rioted. Even if they thought they were doing "the right thing," violence ensued.
    I am curious as to your source for the Mosque in Germany becoming a tourist attraction. Could you please state your source for this information.
    Lastly, This issue is being used by the "Republican" party in order to ensure FEAR among the nation when this issue is a New York issue. Lastly, There are monuments at all Civil War Battlefields honoring the Union and Confederate troops. Why has this been allowed, using your argument, when the Confederates soldiers were treasonous and committed crimes against the United States?
    The problem is that people are associating the radical muslims that attacked the United States with all other muslims. I sat and listened to Muslim professors and Christian Professors discuss the commonalities.
    I would also suggest that the media is not covering the ecumenical and social goals of the building of this mosque. It makes better news to inspire fear and anger than finding a way to stress the mutual understanding.
    An example of this is that when the Israelies and Palestinians were fighting several (3) years ago, There was only one 2 minute story regarding a group of Israelies and Palestinians that were united in seeking peace from both Governments.

  2. I couldn't have put it better myself. By the way, I learned several hours ago there is already a mosque in the vicinity of Ground Zero that's been there for forty years. I'd suggest they remodel that one and forget adding insult to injury. If Obama lets this happen while telling the Israelis what to do, shame on him. He hasn't been too useful to any of us thus far, hope he's a one-term President for sure now. Seems like all he and the missus do is take expensive vacations on our tax money and accomplish absolutely nothing but continued pandemonium and expanding an already overblown and ineffective government, and he's obviously a fence-sitter. To allow this would reflect very poorly on him but I don't see him caring about much. The "hopey/changey" thing ain't working out too well, is it? Guess I better stop before somebody comes hunting for my head, but I've always had to say what I have to say, no particular offense meant to anybody. But to allow those bastards to celebrate their religion so close to what is essentailly a graveyard/memorial park after they decimated the twin towers is just preposterous. And I'll be honest, I have nothing against any religion, except Islam, they're self-centered and too many are fanatical enough that they ruin it for the people who may be alright. It's really thumbing it to the memory of those killed in the attack and downright offensive. 'Nuff said. Posted by MC

  3. Okay, maybe tourist attraction was a bit much, but try this CBS News link or google mosque in Germany closed. CBS News. Hmm.

    I don't watch much TV, too busy redistributing what measly wealth I can scrounge up. Believe it or not I don't watch or listen to Glenn Beck, Fox News and I haven't seen Sean Hannity since he was partnered with Alan Colmes.

  4. Thank you for the link to the article. I am curious if this blog is intended to illicit responses or is it to just be read?
    The reason I ask is that none of the other questions or points I made have been addressed. Are discussions encouraged or discouraged? I am also concerned by MC's reply.
    I too am quite disappointed by the President's performance, so far. However, statements of vacation do not address the issue. Pres. Bush took the equivalent of one whole year vacation. I am not pleased that the Pres. says one thing and then does another. this is not exclusive to either party.
    I am also concerned by MC's statement calling people "Bastards". This person is equating all Muslims as Bastards. this type of language leads me to believe that, at least, MC's opinion is not based on a willingness to learn more about the Muslim faith and the possibility of mutual respect and learning.
    There is a simple solution to understanding why it is being built or what it will stand for. I am sure they have an e-mail or website. Why not look it up and find out for yourself what the mission of the mosque is? If we all do that, maybe we can all get a better understanding.
    On a lighter side, I think there might be a better person to quote than Sarah Palin.

  5. It is 6am where I am so I am going to try to address as much as possible in a brief period of time.

    This blog was set up to express my opinion and allow people to respond or post their opinions relating to the postings. Read the very first posting I put out there (as well as others along the way) and it may help to understand where I'm coming from. You don't have to agree with me and I hope it is clear from MY postings and replies that no position I take is meant as a personal attack. What other people say is their opinion and I respect their right to it.

    I didn't address all of the points in Anonymous' posting because (even though the time stamp might say I commented at 5:24pm, it was actually more like 9:30 pm and I had just gotten home from work. I don't control the time stamp, I think it's programmed into the blog software.

    On the Civil War, I'll comment another time, but there have been outcries all over America to have any display of the confederate flag removed, due to sensitivity.

    As always I welcome comments whether or not they agree with me, but I certainly hope that if you've followed my past postings, you'll come to understand that I rarely will put information out that is pure rumor, speculation or spoon-fed to me, I'm not that naive.

  6. Just to clear things up a bit... I didn't mean to anger or put anyone down on the FB page the other night. I'm not the least upset with anybody, I too enjoy a good debate. It's just that it was getting late, I have a loud computer keyboard and it's next to the room we sleep in, so my husband wanted me to get offline. He has to work early every day. Nobody's remarks are completely invalid. If you disagree with me, that's okay, and I would defend your right to your opinion to the death even though I may not feel the same way. That's one thing that is still right about this country.
    Also want to make it clear I didn't vote for (or particularly like) George W. Bush. Yeah, he took vacation time, but like my husband says it was mostly to his ranch in Texas. Yes, he went overseas quite a bit because of the war. I don't like the war either, but can't do anything about it, that's up to the powers that be. I'm glad we're getting out of Iraq, and will give the credit where it's due. Kudos to Obama. I have a husband who thinks we need to stay there, but I don't think we need to babysit these people anymore. The Russians bankrupted themselves looking for bin Laden, and I think this country will do the same if they keep it up. Would rather they be here protecting our borders than elsewhere getting killed and accomplishing very little. I respect the troops too much for that. Do I still think bin Laden and his ilk are bastards? Yes, of the rat variety! Sorry if anyone is touchy about that word, my children are grown up and living across town so I don't worry about my language sometimes, especially when it's a passionate discussion. Got shampoo in my mouth today by accident so it got washed out, point taken and I'm laughing about it. I've never seen too many warm, friendly Muslims. Not that I would mind meeting a few, they aren't all bad- the Taliban is bad. The Taliban needs to be taking care of the Pakistanis because I believe that's where bin Laden is. My husband hopes he drowned in a hole like a rat. I won't go that far but don't care what happens to him, he's killed too many innocent people for me to care, and we know what he'd like to do with all of us infidels (i.e., kill us just like on (9/11!). He continues to threaten us, which is why I want the military back home. I will never have a good thing to say about him or his cohorts.
    About all I can say is I'm glad it's looking like the mosque isn't going to happen in relation to the almighty dollar. They don't have enough money and I still hope they can't get it. A lot of older folks I've asked about this subject do feel it's rubbing our noses in the wake of the attack. My Dad doesn't think the mosque will happen, and I hope he's right. Because I don't believe it's going to create any understanding about the Nation of Islam, it's already fostering too much bad mojo minds of many Americans who could care even less than I do about what Muslims think. And believe me, there are people who really do hate them. I don't waste time hating anything. We are all living in the same country and I'm not intolerant of anything a responsible adult wants to do, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else. I may not like it, but some things are best left unknown. Beyond that, I don't hang around with people in life who annoy me! I don't consider anyone here annoying. More people need to worship a higher power, but putting a mosque at the WTC site isn't going to accomodate that.
    Will wrap this up by saying I did enjoy the spirit of the debate and thank everyone who was involved for the scope of the discussion. I do regret seeming rude, it wasn't meant in that spirit, and will apologize again for cursing and having to go to bed so quickly. It looks like I bailed to cover myself but I needed to be considerate of the person who makes the money, too. Again, thanks to everyone, I hope nobody is upset because I'm not.

  7. I'm posting this in response to a previous anonymous commenter who feels I didn't address all of their points. I'll try to address the points.

    1. My "first words" were; "I am quickly coming to the realization..." That had nothing to do with 9/11. My second paragraph addressed 9/11/01 and I DID state the attack was by radicals. The celebrations around the world by other people may or may not have been radical muslims. I don't know.

    2. I don't watch many comedians (I probably do need to lighten up and watch more of them), but regarding the Jews wearing yarmulkes on Good Friday, I don't care because today's Jews didn't kill Jesus. Today's radical muslims do seek the destruction of America and that's a problem for me.

    3. The point about us needing to learn to work together I agree with. Just one question though; why is it the God-fearing Christians are always the ones who need to learn to work with others? Besides, my issue with the mosque has nothing to do with learning to work together.

    4. I don't understand the point about violence ensuing after burkas were banned. Who got unruly, the people who wanted to keep them or those who wanted to get rid of them? Either way, I believe some European countries have tried to be very accommodating to muslims, but seems to continue having difficulties. I could see this going into a different discussion.

    5. I gave source info for the German mosque...which was suspected of being A RECRUITING GROUND.

    6. Anonymous said "lastly" twice, so I'll address the Civil War monuments. I wasn't alive when most (if not all) monuments were built to honor Civil War soldiers. I might have protested some of them, maybe not. I don't know. I see 9/11/01 as completely different from the Civil War in America. I'm no fan of the Confederate Army or the people who can't accept that the war ended long ago. However, 9/11 was an attack by outsiders, on America.

    My opinion is that muslims are free to practice their religion in America, but I just think it is extremely poor taste to set up that center at Ground Zero. I think it is a slap in America's face for our president (whomever it is) to tell Israel to stop building Jewish settlements in Israel because it is insensitive to muslims, but to not speak out in his own country on a similar issue.

    Oh yeah, I also hear rumor (not yet confirmed) that the builders of the mosque in NYC are trying to have a 9/11/11 completion date. If that's true, I cannot see how people cannot take that as an insult. Just my opinion.

  8. I still agreee with your position, and we've both made our points even clearer. The only other thing I wanted to add was that I said nothing about Catholic priests or playgrounds! That stuff usually happens in a church or school. I said that the Catholic church is very anti-female, because they are. If a woman isn't good enough to be a full pastor, I'm not going there for that reason. Yes. I believe they molest children, too, but if they were allowed to marry like just about every other religion does they wouldn't have so many problems, they create their own by letting these folks hide behind church auspices. I think a woman can be every bit as good a member of the clergy. I didn't point that out last night, but that's the truth of the matter. Thanks!
