Let's get right to it. My Webster's Dictionary defines marriage as the social condition under which a man and woman live as husband and wife through legal or religious commitments. That's not a bunch of right-wing wackos defining it. Marriage has been recognized this way throughout the world for millennia.
It is my understanding that the states that have had a marriage amendment on the ballot in the past few years sought to uphold the definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman. Now we have judges (the latest one in California) saying that this definition is unconstitutional.
If marriage cannot be defined as it has for thousands of years, who is to determine the definition? If marriage cannot be defined, how can we find the bigamist guilty if those involved agree to multiple marriage partners? How far does this go? What about underage runaways who say they should be allowed to enter into a marriage to an older person? You say there are laws to protect the underaged, the victims of bigamy and other crimes, but I say who's to decide?
If you've read this far, thank you. Please know that I have no desire to dictate or legislate what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their home or bedroom. I truly understand there are sometimes privileges afforded family members that some would like extended to their "life partners." I get that and see no reason why that can't be done. In fact, in many places these privileges have already been afforded to those people designated by the insured or cared for.
What we are now seeing is the (previously called) "politically correct" becoming the impetus for a literal battle. I know that's a bitter pill for many to swallow, but whether it is now or 100 years from now, there will come a point where the people of the United States of America will no longer stand for the governing class dictating as if government people are the all-knowing that they think they are.
We were formed as a nation of, by and for The People. The People were to decide for themselves and The People limited the powers of government so as to foster a society that would prosper or fail on the decisions made by The People. Slowly, we have elected people who've eroded our freedoms and liberties to the point that I fear the founding fathers would hardly recognize the form of government now practiced in America.
It is time to take America back. I encourage you to read books that expose what our government is doing to us. Please recommend these books to others. I encourage you to read fictional books that have surmised the things now happening, keeping in mind that many people (at the time of those writings) didn't think the fictional stories were even remotely possible. I say to you; here we are. What say you?
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