As a nation, we fought to free millions from the horrible killings under Adolf Hitler. We defeated Saddam Hussein in part, because of his killing of innocent civilians in his own country. We've fought numerous times in foreign lands to free oppressed people and liberate many from atrocities most consider unthinkable. Yet here in America, we've lost our backbone.
Think about the sacrifices made by our ancestors to free themselves from the tyranny of England. Yet here in 2015, we have video evidence that unborn babies are killed and their body parts distributed or sold. I challenge anyone to prove these are not living beings. The simple fact the body parts must be functioning is, by definition, an admission that they are alive. How could they be functioning if they were just "tissue?"
I say we've lost our backbone because I see no evidence of a society willing to rise up in defense of those unable to defend themselves; the babies.
Where are the clergy on this? I'm sure many will say the clergy stay out of politics and I say that is pure bullshit. First, this isn't a political issue. It is an issue of life. Second; if the clergy stay out of political issues, how do you explain them jumping in knee-deep to the gay marriage issue long before it was decided by the Supreme Court? If there's ever an issue the clergy should be championing the cause of, I'd think it would be protection of the unborn; "whatever you do to the least of these you do to me." I mean no disrespect to the members of the clergy that are fighting this battle, but it just seems the silence is deafening.
Technology has come a long way since Roe v. Wade. We have the ability today to see, via 3-D sonograms, the unborn child inside the womb as it develops. How can we deny the evidence that is right before our eyes? Yet we do.
As I've posted on facebook, this abortion issue is one I've been willing to sit on the sidelines over, leaving the decision to the parents and medical professionals that knew much more than me. We justify it and use the word abortion to make ourselves more comfortable than if it was called murder. I even went so far as to consider those who protested outside abortion clinics, lunatics and no better than those they opposed. Now, after seeing Planned Parenthood's own doctors admitting they send out functioning body parts of the unborn babies, I have to admit we've failed in protecting these children.
So many people march when a policeman shoots some bad guy, but where's the outcry over these children being killed? What's even worse is our tax dollars are used to fund Planned Parenthood under the guise of "women's health." But what "women's health" services does Planned Parenthood offer that aren't made available due to Obamacare? In fact, the President and his administration argued the need for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), in part, on the need to provide birth control and other services to women.
As a member of the military, I took an oath to defend the country against all enemies foreign and domestic. How do we turn our back on this domestic enemy of the unborn child?
We may only need to voice our opinions to elected officials or we may need to do more. Do we have the will to go to war?
Sunday, August 30, 2015
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Hi Steve, It's 2/23/16, and the national news just keeps getting sicker and sicker. And from the constant tone of the comments at the end of each news article I must sadly conclude that this country is finished, stick a fork in it. Just a few more steps and the populace will be at each others throats. God help us. Bro' Dave