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Wednesday, November 7, 2012


So here's your opportunity.

My commitment is to keep the discussion based on facts and beliefs as I understand them. If your facts or beliefs differ from mine, thank you for airing them. I look forward to discussion to better understand things I may have missed.

If you post mean, spiteful or hateful things, I likely will remove them. This isn't the place for that.

So let's start with;

If you supported President Obama in the 2012 election and/or the democrat party, please help me understand the positives of the President. Why did you support him or his party?

1 comment:

  1. I support President Obama because I feel like he really cares about all of us in this country not just a select few. He can relate to everyday people due to his past life experiences.
    Taxes - I know you are probably thinking is it fair to put more taxes on people who are making $250,000 or more? Here's my view on this. The loopholes for people in this tax bracket is making them pay less taxes than the middle class. Is this fair? I would love to see how a fair tax would work. I know that this going to make people wonder on one hand how I can say this when we are giving more entitlements to people who do not even try to make things better for themselves. While you are always are going to have those that are getting more from the government than they are putting in, their are people who are a product of being raised in a very uneducated and poor family environment that may need help. Do I think people should work for a living? YOU ARE DARN STRAIGHT I DO! And no matter if Mitt Romney were President these programs would still be there.
    Lets talk about Healthcare. I believe that every person has a right to have healthcare. Now when I say this I mean that everyone should pay something out of their paycheck. Not matter how much money you make ... Say a percentage of out each person's paycheck. This way everyone is paying to receive this benefit. As far as employers.. as long as they offer it I would not expect for them to have to pay the premiums for the employees. Just make it available. Like everyone else in the USA we do not know what is definitely in the plan but from what I have read I am for it. Especially the pre-existing conditions reform.
    Abortion - I do not believe in abortion. However I do not believe the government should be ran by our personal beliefs. If someone chooses to have an abortion that is between that person and God not me.
    Marriage - I believe marriage is between a man and woman! I have gay family members and friends and I love them just as much as my other friends, and will not judge them by their beliefs. However-- Marriage is between a man and a woman.
    Movie 2016 - I have not seen it and do not care to see it.... no more than I watched the Michael Moore movie years ago that was one man's personal opinion of George Bush.
    Foreign Affairs - I think that the President has done a great job with handling this. I am against war. Although I know sometimes we must go to war.
    I do want everyone to know that I am a Christian too! Catholic by the way! It really upsets me that people
    think that because you voted for President Obama you can not be a Christian! Who says? The last I heard it was our heavenly father who makes that judgement.
    Let me close by saying that I am praying for our country and our president. When it gets down to it as we all know one man doesn't run the show in Washington! Let's hope they all work together. Thanks Steve for letting me get my side out for what it is worth. :)
    Love all of friends whether we agree or disagree on politics, Damaris
    November 10, 2012 5:55 AM
