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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Anonymous Posters?

I respectfully request that anonymous commenters please give your name. Here's why;

I respect your opinions and welcome debate. I hope that anonymous posters have noticed that I don't call names and I do my best to keep my arguments/points focused on the topic and not the individual.

I'd very much like to learn more about you. I recently read comments on a local newspaper website where the commenters were on opposite sides of an issue and previous arguments were heated between the two. But in this case, they came to common ground on an issue, but respectfully debated the issue. It was refreshing and something I'd love to see happen on my blog.

If you choose not to set up a profile or become a follower, so be it, but please give your name. You know who I am, I'd like to know who you are.


  1. My name is Mark Douglas, I'm retired, a screenwriter with no success, and I've been around politics most my life.

    I was a Fairtax supporter at first. But then I read the fine print. If you consider yourself intelligent at all, and you read the Fairtax book, and you failed to grasp any problem whatever, then let's be honest.

    I mean no disrespect, but Fairtax is a farce. And even in their smooth BS -- there is plenty there to at least cause you to wonder.

    Generally, the book you list as your favorite -- the Fairtax Book -- is nothing but nonsense. All prices drop by the amount of the tax?

    We no longer pay income tax - or FICA or cap gains, or death tax. And all we gotta do is buy what we do now - and pretty much the same price.

    It's goofy.

    Specifically, Fairtax book had some sentences that should have made anyone with a college degree to "WHUT THE .." Here is one sentence.

    "THe federal government itself will became a major taxpaper". Huh huh. I realize they didn't expand on that. And the reason they didn't is that even the dumbest of the dumb would see through that if they kept attention on it.

    The Fairtax Anwers the Critics Book, on page 138, says that all state, local, and city governments will pay this tax too -- including a tax on the wages they pay. (purchases of labor).

    Do you have any clue what this means? No, of course not.

    It means California state goverment would have to pay 15-18 billion dollars to the federal government. And guess what? Other than a few flipping lines -- there is clear mechanism for this tax.

    It means all city governments in CA would pay too. And all county government. THis would really be massive sums of money.

    Yet how many gullible souls read that, snd didn't think one thought. Sheep. Mindless sheep.

    THe Fairtax fine print, in HR 25, has the sneakest mention of all. You have to search several places-- on of them their definition of a person. They "put people on equal foot with government". In other words, California pays 18 billion, ect.

    There is no way on earth Texas or CA will pay this tax. Simply no way. Which is exactly why FT hid it. Made all but impossible to find.

    But that is how they make their math 'add up" which mean it doesnt add up - its' a trillion dollars off. THeir goofy 23% tax doesn't bring in half enough.

    So rather than tell you their tax would be 56 percent or higher, they just fudged the fine print. THey pretend to tax city and state government.

    I've spent probably 5 years following this lunacy I change email with several Fairtax spokesman.

  2. One more thing. I seriously hope Fairtax passes.

    It's own leaders know it's goofy - -they know these taxes on city and states for a trillion dollars just won't happen. My guess is, they will blame others for not letting them bring it to a vote. BUt they can have hearings on it any time they want -- under oath.

    They wont dare answer questions from people who have actually read their fine print, not under oath they won't.

    But there are some well meaning folks who were fooled -- and who think Fairtax is magic. Maybe the get it in hearings. I doubt it. But let's say the do get hearings.

    They will be laughed off the state. When it comes out that about a trillion dollars of their plan is just a massive tax on city and state government -- that California state would ow 18 billion and the CITIES in CA combined would awe more that THAT! Probably 25 billion. And then the people of CA would ow probably 35 billion.

    There is no way city and states can pay this. In fact, the real idiocy of this, is that IF city and states could pay this tax, you probably wouldn't have to tax people -- at all.

    So I would love Fairtax to pass!! I really really would. I want to see you folks try to force the STate of Texas, and every city in Texas, to pay massive taxes to the federal governent. What are you gonna do -- send in the marines?

    And if you DON't get the money from city and state government, then you must get it from people. Their taxes would have to double!

    I want to see all that!!

    sadly Fairtax leader know their plan is insane nonsense -so they will try to blame others, and quietly try to sneak away

  3. In response to the above two posts, I am very aware of what The Fair Tax means should it pass. I live in neither Texas, nor California. I understand fully that, if The Fair Tax were to pass, it would mean that when municipalities purchased goods or services, they'd pay taxes on those goods and/or services. I have no problem with that. Maybe they'd reconsider frivolous expenditures.

    I find it interesting that you define yourself as a "retired screenwriter with no success." If you were able to retire from that profession, it seems you must have had some success.

    You claim to have been around politics most of your life. How so? I could say I've been around politics simply because I follow some of it and I vote. If you're actively involved in politics, are you tied to a party or movement? If so, I might consider your opinion politically motivated. Either way, I think you have a bent toward defeating The Fair Tax and you probably are and influence behind the websites you recommend.
