What's my evidence you ask? Mostly the 100 employees I've hired, fired and seen walk off the job over the past five years. Added to that the countless employees prior to those five years that I witnessed in many different work environments.
Here's where this gets real scary. For many of these people, the major problems won't be felt immediately. You see, many of them fall back on Mom and Dad or Grandparents. Once they infiltrate the family home they start sucking the finances and life out of the parents who've worked years to attain a certain level of comfort. These parents and/or grandparents are living off of Social Security and possibly some pension or retirement savings. At some point, that money is going to run out, or the parents/grandparents are going to die. At that point, the gravy train ends and these leeches will realize the results of their lazy ways.
So what's the parallel universe issue? If you were raised to be a hard-working productive member of society who helps his fellow man, you have difficulty imagining anyone being so lazy they'd just quit working with no plan and start living off of their family and government handouts. There are people like this who've been raised in "the system" and who now have become experts at living in the system. Somehow they get by and eat, drive cars and watch cable television. They have cell phones. Meanwhile, you're struggling to make sure your bills are paid and you'd take the last penny from your savings to ensure no blemishes on your credit report.
Another example of parallel universe; every state that institutes a lottery sells the idea to the voters of that state (who eventually approve it) on the idea that it'll add millions to the state education funds. Then, years after the lottery is in full swing, state education administrators claim they don't have enough money. We've spent gobs of money on public education, yet everyone still claims we're behind the rest of the world in education.
Need another example of parallel universe? Just a few years ago our government officials were warning Americans that we were living on too much credit, that Americans weren't saving enough money. All the while our government was spending us into oblivion and all that spending was borrowed money. Yep, we lowly serfs were borrowing too much, but it somehow was okay for the federal government to do just that.
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