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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Burning the Koran?

Okay, if you've read any of my other posts, you'll probably be a little surprised by this one.

What an absolutely idiotic idea in Gainesville, Florida, to have a Koran burning day. Here's why the story is so idiotic;

1. To think you're accomplishing anything good by having a Koran burning day is about as stupid a thought as anyone could ever have. Yep, Rev. You're an idiot.

2. Somehow the news media gave traction to this church of 50. That's right, a whopping 50 members.

3. There are idiots in Afghanistan who actually believe this represents America. Yes, I read the AP story this morning where a young Afghan boy (I think 18 years old) said they knew this was the opinion of America and the president. Proof that there are idiots all over the world.

Now, you might ask; what's the difference between foreigners thinking that this represents all of America when we have idiots here in America that think the 9/11 attackers represented all of Islam? NOTHING! And that's the point.

The dumb masses (say it quickly) continually fall for the crap put out by "the media."

God save us all.

1 comment:

  1. Our sentiments exactly. Rick says if they incite them to kill even more of our troops they should go to jail for life, this little band of idiots. That pastor is absolutely out of his freaking mind! And his congregation, too. And yes, our lovely news media just had to ramp all this stuff up, which does make us all look bad. I don't think all Muslims are bad, but this is definitely not reflecting well on Christians, for sure. At this point I try to avoid the news, but he watches it and that's why I'm on the computer right now. Maybe they should send the National Guard to Gainesville and pull a Kent State on these truly ignorant people. I'm not saying kill them, but prevent them from opening up a huge can of worms, good Lord save us all!
    posted by Michelle Corbin
