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Sunday, July 11, 2010

The New America

Some things that don't make much sense to me;

How we got to be so great a nation must be completely changed in order for us to continue our greatness. Huh? That's right. The politicians and many activists keep telling us we need to have more government control of our financial system/institutions, factories/industries and our healthcare providers/system. This is not what got us to our greatness. Look back at history.

What seems uncanny to me is the fact that we've had over 235 years of history telling us which systems work and which don't. All we have to do is look at our own history and that of the rest of the world. I submit to you that a simple truth for forming a new country 234 years ago is justification today for distancing ourselves from the European ways; a tyrannical government will always keep the governed at it's mercy. Think I'm nuts? Some European countries (and others) have tried everything we're moving toward; open borders, nationalized medical care and government "partnerships" with industries. The Europeans are now moving away from these. France is trying to find a new way to handle their medical system since they can no longer afford the "free" or "universal" healthcare system. Question for all these "do-gooders;" did you grow up, get educated and experienced in the freest society on earth or the type of socialistic society you so willingly promote? If the answer is the former, why would you impose the latter on your children and grandchildren?

Flouride is bad for us. Well, here in the "redneck riviera" we actually have a few political candidates who are pushing for a new debate over whether flouridated public water is good. We finally got it added to the water supply in 2001, but now they want to argue it again. Yep, it can be toxic...if you are drinking the chemical in large quantities, undiluted. Well, duh. But hey, why should we want our kids to grow up with healthy teeth?

I am amazed that protecting illegal immigration is at the top of the federal government's priority list. Yeah, never mind that the federal government cannot or will not enforce its own immigration laws, to the detriment of law-abiding citizens' safety.


  1. On June 5, 2010, you posted about the economy. You advocated a "Fair tax" in America. You made the claim that it would provide incentives. How do you reconcile adopting a European tax model and now you are advocating the opposite. Secondly, isn't adopting this tax as incentives for businesses a form of socialism?

  2. The Fair Tax (HR 25, S 296) is NOT a "European tax model." I suggest you read the book (available cheap on Amazon) or check out

    The reference to business incentives is that adoption of The Fair Tax would give businesses a reason to locate in America other than typical tax breaks.

    My understanding of socialism is that GOVERNMENT dictates how much you can earn so that there can be a distribution to all. The Fair Tax isn't even close.
