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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Healthcare Questions

Well, the brilliant minds in Washington, DC have passed a healthcare bill to send onto the Senate. So, we're supposed to suddenly realize that the politicians are smarter than so many of us that question the constitutionality of what is being done.

Okay, did you know that the taxes to pay for the new program will start next year, but the benefits won't start until 2013? Makes sense that they'll start collecting the money to pay for the program ahead of time and thus (supposedly) keep the program from being underfunded. Only one question; where will all that money be housed? Think about this folks; the government that supposedly was putting our social security deposits into a "lockbox" or "trust fund" and then raided it and put those funds into the General Fund, is now telling us to trust them. Yeah, right.

Here's another question; if you don't buy health insurance and the government fines you (as they are proposing) is the fine used to provide you with health insurance or will you be required to purchase insurance in addition to paying the fine?

When being questioned on the legitimacy of a fine for not buying health insurance Mr. President keeps saying that it is similar to the requirement for auto insurance. One problem with this philosophy is that we don't buy car insurance for routine maintenance, yet that is exactly why we buy health insurance. If we were to follow Mr. President's auto insurance analogy, we would allow health clinics to compete similar to oil change shops, relatively free from so much government intrusion and legal malpractice lawsuits (God forbid).

Please call your Senator and ask them where the money will be housed? Can they guarantee the "trust fund" won't be raided by congress? Where in the U.S. Constitution does it state that the government shall impose fines and penalties on the people who choose not to carry health insurance?

Don't be surprised at the instant silence.

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