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Sunday, January 22, 2023

Why It Matters

 When I try to talk about the political direction of our country, I often get the response that; it won't matter or why does it matter?

  To the first, I'd say; thank God the Founders of this great nation didn't think it wouldn't matter! For a society of people, who are constantly talking of seeing the positive in things and people, it is infuriating to hear those same people take a defeatist attitude.

  To the second, here's WHY I think it matters; Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Liberty (according to Webster's) is freedom from arbitrary or despotic control. Our country's Declaration of Independence specifically points to Liberty as being a God-given right. That government is to secure that Right, along with others. Ergo, allowing government to impose arbitrary controls on We, The People, is antithetical to the foundation of our nation AND violates our belief that God, and God alone is the provider of our unalienable rights.

  As for the Pursuit of Happiness, it seems we've allowed various political groups, and individuals, use this as an excuse to pass or rescind all kinds of laws. Don't like government redistribution of your wealth? You must want to restrict someone else's pursuit of happiness. Disagree with same-sex marriage? Why, you're restricting someone's pursuit of happiness by telling others who they can and cannot love. That's not at all what We, The People, are saying. Maybe, we're saying we see where the slight move to a radically different path, is a small step in a long journey, down a path we're not intended to go.

  Unfortunately, I've seen in my lifetime, a willingness to go-along-to-get-along attitude that will (if it hasn't already) destroy the very foundation that has generated more prosperity worldwide, than any other form of government, in the history of the world. And, if you care about the future for our children and grandchildren, THIS is why it matters. 

  As always, I welcome debate.