During these holiday times we often reflect and I am no exception. This Thanksgiving I am grateful and thankful for the memories I have of a great childhood spent with the most amazing brothers and sister. A brother I've always looked up to as a Concertmaster, Football Hero, Business Icon, Dreamchaser and keeper of great knowledge (though he thinks he is none of these). Another brother who looked up to me, but taught me much about myself at times he didn't know it. He taught me to look for things that only God can bestow on this world (the Northern Lights) and made me feel awesome by joining me on a Navy ship bound for the North Atlantic. And how about a sister who introduced me to KitKats? To this day I think of my mother taking us to pick her up from her volunteer hospital job (candy striper) and she always gave us KitKats. At the time it was the candy bars I loved, today it is the love that she was showing and sharing that mean so much.
All three are married to wonderful people; a man who introduced me to some of my favorite Eagles music and broadened my musical tastes, a woman who showed me more about life than she'll ever understand and another who was there at the end of my mother's life and the beginning of my brother's.
I am thankful for all that my parents did to make my childhood good and memorable. Mom is waiting for us in Heaven and I cannot wait to relive the good times with her. Dad is out there and I'm eternally grateful for the sacrifices he made for my well-being wherever he may be.
When I lay down my head at night I am grateful that there are two incredible beings looking out for me; God and my Wife. We know the wonders of God and it was Him who delivered Stacye to me (or me to her, I'm not sure which). I am thankful for her perseverance and incredible patience. As someone not worthy of the love Stacye has shown, I am forever grateful that through thick and thin, she remains faithful, loyal and loving.
I am grateful for the friends I have and for which it would take a book to describe.
For all these things I thank God. My wish for you is that you have a life as blessed (if not more) than mine.